

This conduct or deportment has specific expectations in the intricate web of social behaviour. These, in turn, are according to contemporary conventional norms within a specific social status or group in society. Different societies tend to practice manners and social graces slightly differently from each other. In many cases, the difference can be quite dramatic, […]

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Introduction: I recently experienced something very sad that shows where superficial human priorities stand when surrounded by a deep sense of denial and a high level of ignorance. I initially wanted to write about it, but when a writer like myself brings to the attention of the average citizen of the world something real, though […]

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Honour and Patriotism vs. NFL Players Protest

A country’s FLAG and NATIONAL ANTHEM are what millions of soldiers have lost their lives defending. To use them as shields to protest, whatever the case may be is humiliating, embarrassing and ignorant. It disrespects all those soldiers who fought for their flag and national anthem having laid their lifeless bodies on the battlefields.   […]

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Acknowledge Our Heroes to Create Identity

Canada, being a young country of 150 years, still lacks a clear identity to many. A way to achieve that identity is also by acknowledging our own war heroes such as James Campbell Clouston. Mr. Clouston is barely known by only a few Canadians. He grew up in Montreal and graduated from McGill University. During […]

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