Undeniable fact … ” The Death of Our Oceans = The Death of The Human Race. ”
Nowadays everybody is aware that the more concentration of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, is putting our lives in danger, but only very few are really conscious and worried about it, and even fewer people are doing something about it.
Putting it in perspective, only about ten years ago the concentration of the CO2 in the atmosphere had reached an alarming 387 parts per million. Scientists warned us ever since that if we surpass the 400 parts per million, we are at risk going over the tipping-point and risking serious drastic and negative climate changes affecting different regions in our planet. Whether we like it and accept it or not, climate change shows itself in various ways, such as:
It is a fact that Global Nature does not negotiate, but rather, it responds to what it is being subject to, which is our general lack of interest, a high degree of greed, and ultimate level of disbelief and ignorance.
An Undeniable & Alarming Example:
Australia’s wild bushfires have recently decimated over 10 million hectares and counting.
They started on 08-17-2019 and are still burning today (02-02-2020). Lighting and some by arson originally caused these wild bushfires, but they have been exponentially propagated by negative weather conditions that fuel and expand said wild bushfires.
As of 02-02-2020, the CO2 in our atmosphere has reached over 415 parts per million, as per Canadian Geographic (Nov/Dec 2019 issue). They also confirmed that unfortunately, something even more drastic has taken place and sadly for the worst in the past 10 years in an increasingly alarming rate. Ice is melting six times faster across the frozen continent than it was in the 1980s. The above-mentioned issue states that a study from Eric Rignot, from the University of California, states that if the ice across the frozen continents were to melt, this would raise the sea levels about 60 metres. This would result catastrophic, and will completely reshape our five continents.