
What is Stronger – Religion or Patriotism?

Introduction (the tragedy): Recently in Ontario, 19-year old Yosif Al-Hasnawi was shot while trying to break up an altercation involving three others. When the paramedics arrived, he advised them he could not breathe. Minutes later, he passed away. A tragic outcome for an innocent young man attempting to act the part of the Good Samaritan. […]

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Canadian Government General, Julie Payette is an intelligent person with a strong educational background and solid experience leading to changes for the better in our society. In fact, she is so smart, that she need not to always be politically correct. During her recent speech, she stepped forward with scientific knowledge, and as a Governor […]

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Canadian Values In Crisis Due To Lack Of Action.

There is no doubt that for the great majority of Canadians (and other countries worldwide), one of the most important values and personal rights in our nation is to establish communication among each other with uncovered faces for identification and recognition purposes. It is also a way of bonding with others. It helps us trust, […]

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Are the hijab or burka an invitation for segregation and reverse racism in the workplace?

  (Source: Again, in Canada, it appears that the “BIRDS are SHOOTING the HUNTERS”, instead of the other way around. Is Canada going to regret the government’s overly tolerant accommodation policies regarding religious and traditional practices that are being introduced to Canadian society? How will these influences affect the Western and North American cultural and […]

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Are Kindness & Love Versus Cynicism & Sarcasm Misinterpreted & Misleading in Canada?

(source:   The news said, “Sikh Politician responds racist attack with “love & courage”. Why differentiate between a Canadian MP versus Sikh Politician? That alone acknowledges the difference in people’s background within our nation and government. This invites racism. The term “Sikh politician” might sound good to the ears of many, but is literally […]

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